Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Promote your organic shop!

TickledPinkKnits was kind enough to share two great ways to promote your Etsy Organic shop on the flickr group, and I thought I'd include them here.

EcoBunga - a directory of "Green"-themed giveaways, contests, deals and discounts. They accept relevant discount/contest listings from companies (including small businesses, I assume) right via the website (link below). If you make eco-friendly products and have a sale or a giveaway going on, this may be a great vehicle to help you spread the word about it.

WhiteApricot - White Apricot is a website and online newsletter that is your “go to” place for the latest trends, news and information on eco fashion, organic skin care and natural cosmetics, as well as other cool eco and socially conscious products and services to incorporate into your lifestyle.


GreenWorks said...

I think it's great when members share other useful sites with each other.

There are so many resources out there that it's impossible for one person to know them all - and things like this are one of the advantages to being in a team :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic info!

Thanks so much...

Cassidy, DharaHolistics